Our latest news and updates
Events, Insights, Case-Studies, and more

Welcome: The You Power Project
We are thrilled to be onboarding Jessica Flynn, Founder of The You Power Project into the GB Accelerator’s Launch Program.

Developing Winning Value Propositions: A Workshop for Entrepreneurs
Are you an early-stage start-up founder looking to find the best way to determine and communicate your value to potential customers? Well, look no further! The Georgian Bay Accelerator is hosting a workshop on June 1st 2023 at the Georgian Peaks Ski Club in Thornbury.

Ecommerce Powerhouse - Shop Solar Kits
The idea for Shop Solar Kits began with e-commerce expertise and the notion that solar power and renewable energy were on the edge of becoming an affordable energy solution.

What Fuels an Entrepreneur in Georgian Bay?
When our dedicated team decided to venture forward and start the GB Accelerator, we were often asked the question “Why South Georgian Bay – what makes this region special?”
Let’s work together